Rare and Beautiful Beer Bottles
Beer bottles. A subject that has had graphic designer Harvey Shepard fascinated since early childhood, and has inspired him to accumulate quite a collection over the years. The start of his lifelong obsession began on a trip to the grocery store, where he saw a Coors bottle in the shape of a baseball bat. Completely awed, he convinced his mother that he would never open it. She wasn’t thrilled with the idea of a child having a bottle containing alcohol, but bought it for him anyway. From that fateful day, he was hooked. To date, that same bottle sits on his shelf unopened, true to his word.
His now vast collection boasts some of the most unusual bottles known to man, which are so unique, it’s hard to imagine that at one time, they contained actual beer! Having such a love for the rare finds, he built his life around it. Seeking jobs in world re-known craft beer destinations, he and his wife traveled the US, attending numerous beerfests, and visiting 160 breweries, in twenty states. Eventually they settled in Seattle, and now live in an area surrounded by breweries. Nine to be exact, all a short jaunt from their new home, which makes the Shepards very happy.
If you have an adventurous palette, beerfest events are a great place to make new friends, while sampling different beers from around the world, as well as locally brewed craft beers. And who knows… one of the people you befriend at a beerfest could very well be Harvey Shepard himself!