Become a Beer God, reap the benefits!
What better way to experience The Edmonton International BeerFest then being
treated like a GOD?
Upgrade to the ultimate package, including:
BEERGOD’s Receive:
Access to:
- Festival grounds BeerGod Line Entry (Exclusive Early 3pm entry on Saturday)
- All Entertainment on Main Stage
- All Entertainment on Stage 2
- BeerSchool: God Seating
- BeerGod Sample Ticket Purchase
- BeerGod Seating
BEERGOD Libation KIT Includes Official :
- Tunic
- Tankard
- Carry Strap
- Brew Haversack
- Notes & Pen
- Socks
- Butter Beer
- California Prayer Book
Our Beer Gods get VIP access to the After Party with their purchase, so why not treat yourself right?